Slender with Low Calorie Diet
It's time you throw away fat mindset as a symbol of prosperity. World Helath Organization (WHO) says, overweight / obesity is an epidemic disease that the world must be eradicated because of complications arising. Low-calorie diets do right now before you went to a variety of disease
Changes in eating patterns all instant, high-fat, high in sugar and protein, plus lack of exercise makes more and more people are obese. This condition must be prevented because in addition to reducing the aesthetic appearance, obesity also trigger the emergence of various diseases such as diabetes mellitus, stroke, high blood pressure, heart attacks to cancer
Obesity is due to the accumulation of body fat exceeds the normal limits, said Dr. Waluyo Soerjodibroto, Sp.G, PhD, a nutritionist from the RSCM. In the body, excess calories due to excessive food intake in the form of fat backfilled. If fat is not burned for activity, the more fat deposits accumulate, it is this which causes people are obese, Waluyo added. If used, obesity is more dominated by people over 40 years. We have teenagers and children, too many are obese. As research by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) in collaboration with WHO, the research shows, one of ten children in the world's overweight. The danger again, obesity in children at risk of causing blindness as the age of 20 and after 35 years of age are suffering from kidney disorders, diabetes and high blood pressure, explained Prof.Philip James, chairman of the IOTF.
The trend increase in obesity caused by many factors, such as excess consumption of food because of economic and social welfare increased. Lack of physical activity and sport are also other causes. Some cases of obesity can also be caused by psychological factors, such as stress can trigger some people to eat more. Although no studies must, genetic factors are also thought to be another cause of obesityObesity is due to the accumulation of body fat exceeds the normal limits, said Dr. Waluyo Soerjodibroto, Sp.G, PhD, a nutritionist from the RSCM. In the body, excess calories due to excessive food intake in the form of fat backfilled. If fat is not burned for activity, the more fat deposits accumulate, it is this which causes people are obese, Waluyo added. If used, obesity is more dominated by people over 40 years. We have teenagers and children, too many are obese. As research by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) in collaboration with WHO, the research shows, one of ten children in the world's overweight. The danger again, obesity in children at risk of causing blindness as the age of 20 and after 35 years of age are suffering from kidney disorders, diabetes and high blood pressure, explained Prof.Philip James, chairman of the IOTF.
The trend increase in obesity caused by many factors, such as excess consumption of food because of economic and social welfare increased. Lack of physical activity and sport are also other causes. Some cases of obesity can also be caused by psychological factors, such as stress can trigger some people to eat more. Although no studies must, genetic factors are also thought to be another cause of obesity
Are you obese?To find out whether we are obese body is actually easy and can be done alone. According to Waluyo, to determine a person are obese or not can be done by measuring Body Mass Index (BMI), defined the standard WHO. Way, BMI is measured using the formula weight (kg): high badan2 (m2) so that the units are kg / m 2. for example if you weigh 70 kg and height 1.65 m, perhitunganya is 70: (1.65 x 1.65) = 25.3. of the BMI chart, you are overweight
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Secrets of Success Low-Calorie Diet
Labels: avoid obesity, foods health, Reduce Fat, tips diet
Posted by nury at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Why Reduce Fat That Important?
In the fitness or fitness, physical appearance in relation to a better body, basically there are only 2 major objectives, namely: reduce fat and increase muscle
In the fitness or fitness, physical appearance in relation to a better body, basically there are only 2 major objectives, namely: reducing fat and increasing muscle.
So why reduce fat important? Fat is a source of disease and is the culprit for deadly diseases like cancer, diabetes, stroke, coronary heart disease and high blood pressure. All the fat is stored by the body is the result of the food intake of calories than the calories the body out through the activity.
Fats are stored in various places, there is a pile of bags of fat under the skin, some are piled up in vital organs such as liver, pancreas, stomach, brain, and heart, there is also a pile of blood vessels.
When stacked in the heart, it will cause a heart attack and high blood pressure. When stacked beneath the surface of the skin and pancreas will lead to obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes. When stacked in the liver, it will cause cancer. When stacked in the blood vessels and the brain will lead to a stroke and high blood pressure.
So the medical consensus, the lower levels of body fat have the better. For men, try to reach levels of body fat between 10-17%. For women, try to gain body fat levels between 17-25
Labels: healthy tips, Reduce Fat, tips diet
Posted by nury at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
avoid obesity
1. Eat in reasonable portions with a complete and balanced menus. Make sure your body to get sufficient intake of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals needed. Expand the consumption of fruits and vegetables to enough fiber memeroleh body.
2. Although sleepy, try not to go to bed immediately after a meal. Instead, give time for the stomach to digest food for approximately one hour. You can use the remaining time for morning prayers and worship to read the Qur'an.
3. For those accustomed to exercising, there is no harm in keeping up a light physical activity to maintain fitness, such as jogging exercises, light weights, fast walking, or swimming. The most ideal time to do this is in the afternoon before the break. Because, at that time the weather is usually not too hot so that helps you stop and avoid thirst.
Related articles:
Labels: avoid obesity, tips diet
Posted by nury at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
5 Tips How to Lose Weight Fast
If you want to know how to lose weight fast, here are 5 tips that is very efficient and very easy to follow. This article will show you how to incorporate these tips into your daily diet. You need to follow these tips for 14 days.
1. Eliminate carbohydrates from your daily diet. This means avoiding eating processed foods such as sugar, white bread, cakes, all food made from flour and so on.
2. Eat good carbs in the morning. Your grain foods such as wholemeal bread, brown rice, wheat pasta, etc should be eaten in the afternoon until 7 oclock at night. This will eliminate your body's dependence on carbohydrates for energy, forcing your body to burn fat your body.
3. Drink lots of water. The minimum amount is 8 glasses (8oz glasses) of water every day. You may also drink beverages that contain no calories. Easy that you can follow for your daily water intake is the ratio of 1:2, which is 1 ounce of water for each 2 pounds your weight.
4. Never consume your calories in liquid form. Avoid soda or sweet drinks that contain too many calories.
5. Stop eating by 7 oclock at night. In the event you are hungry you may have a vegetable or a small protein snack. Fast food at all prohibited.
These 5 tips on how to lose weight quickly is very useful for everybody, but it was necessary for people whose bodies are not willing to lose weight or later the people will perish due to the fact that these methods will make your body become more capable fat burner and speed up your weight loss. With this method, you can also clean up the excess water weight.
Labels: 10 Tips for your healthy busy, 5 Tips How to Lose Weight Fast, healthy tips, tips diet
Posted by nury at 8:31 AM 0 comments
Tips for sound sleep
Not everyone can have good sleep quality. 13 Consider the following suggestions so you can sleep soundly, so fresh and rested when you wake up.
1. Find peace and tranquility at the time before bedtime.
To be able to sleep quickly and soundly through the night, was the body requires preparation. How can sleep well when your body and mind is not prepared for it? The first step is to create an atmosphere of peace and quiet. Leave a problem that cost you that day. Lighten the mind and body with a fun activity.
If the atmosphere is not bad or noisy neighbors, try you out of the room and find the most comfortable place to sit. Calm your heart and mind so as not disturbed by the situation.
You can also try to read to relax. Choose a mild reading so as not to draw attention and even made up.
Watching TV? Why not! But choose a relaxed program.
Listening to music is also highly recommended. Once again, choose a soothing light music.
Try to meditate or pray. This would reconcile the hearts and minds.
If you prefer, you can also warm bath or ask for a light massage.
2. Make your bedtime ritual.
This ritual is necessary to signal the body that now is time for bed. Of the ritual is up to you. For example, at certain hours you lock all doors, turn off the lights, cleaning up in the bathroom, wearing a night cream, gantu clothes, then climbed into bed. If the ritual is performed every day, your body will know when to sleep.
3. Do not go to sleep when angry.
If you go to bed still angry, believe me, your bed will be thinking about arguments and strategies counterattack. Too often people make the bed as an arena for solving problems. In fact, the bed should be a place to feel the peace and tranquility.
4. Do not worry about sleep.
Worrying about sleep is not productive even only produce more stress, anxiety and insomnia.
5. Do not force yourself to sleep.
Many people like to force myself to sleep because the next day to do something important. "I have to sleep, I have to sleep," the phrase uttered many times in the liver was not drowsy and fell asleep. The harder he tried, even more difficult. Try to make suggestions number 1: relax!
6. Suspend delay!.
In general, we like to delay the work with the motto: "If you can tomorrow, why should be done today." As a result some people become difficult or not sleeping soundly because the mind is still left in the job, it takes discipline.
Make a list of what should be done that day, do not forget to set the time.
Finish what you start. Leaving the job half-finished can be difficult for you to relax before bed. Sometimes also make lazy to finish the next day.
Hold the promise to finish the job on time. Make a schedule and stick to what you had planned.
7. Do not obsess about the dream.
The dream is controversial. There are scientists thought the dream is an expression of the unconscious. The others only consider a dream as a random thought that comes into the brain and has no meaning. Therefore, the meaning of dreams mengenalisis absolutely no use. Clearly, having a dream and can recall is a sign we do not sleep soundly.
8. Early sports practice.
Sports memamg necessary but if it is near bedtime will make you not able to rest comfortably. Sports not only make us feel tired, but the body organs such as brain, heart and others will be stimulated to be active, so take time to cool down. Early exercise, if possible the morning, 30-45 minutes 3-4 times a week.
9. Be careful with caffeine.
Caffeine contained in coffee and black tea we drink is common in the morning or late afternoon. Even as the opinion that coffee does not affect anything, sometimes people drink coffee at bedtime. In fact, there is an unconscious effect, that is to be tired when waking up. Unfortunately, people then try to eliminate fatigue, exhaustion and lack of fresh coffee. This is nothing more than a vicious circle resulting in bodily injury. Do not drink caffeine at least six hours before bedtime. Do not underestimate kefein on other products such as soft drinks, energy enhancer, and so on.
10. Eating snacks before bed.
Eating too full, if not make it difficult to sleep instead make sleepy. However, go to sleep hungry, too bad because it makes it difficult or sleeping soundly. Research shows eating previous quick and easy to make sleep more soundly. Do about 30 minutes before bedtime, but not on the bed. Avoid foods that contain MSG and caffeine.
11. Do not smoke.
Smoking not only will damage the health, but also make you awake. Research shows heavy smokers have a higher risk of experiencing insomnia than nonsmokers.
12. Do not drink and sleep.
There are times when alcohol is helping people to sleep. However, alcohol will make them wake up in the middle of the night, adding portions of drinking, and ultimately reap the various diseases, including respiratory disturbance. Do not choose alcoholic beverages to sleep. Choose other relaxation techniques.
13. Kakilah walk in the morning.
You may not have difficulty to sleep soundly. However, you may not know that walking in the morning can help get a good sleep quality. Why? This is a series of formation of your biological clock. Like the bedtime ritual, walk, or ride a bike can be formed when the body rhythms to sleep and wake up.
Source: from various sources.
Labels: healthy tips, sleep health, sleep tips, Tips for sound sleep
Posted by nury at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Anti-cholesterol foods
To control high cholesterol is not to be the method of nutritional therapy, which is to eat foods that enough antikolesterol found in everyday life. You can replace bad fats with healthy fats. Eating plant foods may increase intake of vegetable protein lowers cholesterol efficacious excess. Want to know what foods are antikolesterol? Check out the tips below are taken from various sources.
1. Mushrooms.
Rich in chromium, a mineral that helps break down fats into simpler compounds, ie fatty acids. This activity helps shrink the fat bad (LDL), and increase levels of good fats (HDL). Another source of chromium is nuts, like almonds, peanuts, cashews, and almonds.
2. Kwaci bargaining.
So far we Sepelekan pumpkin seeds, whereas abundant copper. Low dietary copper intake is associated with increasing levels of bad LDL cholesterol, and lack of good cholesterol HDL. Kwaci eat regularly, especially the fresh, good seeds and pumpkin seeds sunflower seeds.
3. Lime.
Among the various types of citrus, lime or lemon is the most contain flavonoids. These compounds can inhibit excessive LDL produkdi reducing risk of heart attack. Flavonoids can also be found in tea, broccoli, tomato, soybean, onion like layers of onion and onions and pomegranates.
4. Apple.
A lot of soluble fiber found in apples is a source betaglukan (beta glucan). In the body, contributes betaglukan control of cholesterol absorption and production. Another source of papaya, the fruit was eaten with the skin (apples and pears), carrots, peas and vegetables, legumes in general (bean, Winged bean, and green beans), dried beans (green beans, red beans, and Tolo beans), and red rice.
5. Tuna.
Sources of fatty acids including omega-3 is popular, other than salmon and mackerel. Omega-3 in particular to protect the body against rising levels of bad LDL cholesterol.
6. Local guava red.
Just like watermelon red and red tomatoes, red guava locally rich in lycopene. Lycopene had a role in controlling the production of cholesterol.
7. Avocado.
Pantothenic acid is the most prominent compounds in avocados that acts reduce blood cholesterol levels.
8. Tempe.
Food is plentiful people fitokimiawi isoflavone compounds that are antikolesterol. Many are also found in tofu and soy milk.
9. Peanut.
Peanut skin, which is skinned peanuts are roasted in the oven. This abundance of snacks and healthy fats rich in vitamin E, which can 'lock' free radicals that damage is not bad LDL cholesterol, so the formation of plaque in blood vessel walls can be avoided and prevent heart attacks.
10. Mango.
Vitamin C is found in many mango. Other sources: starfruit, various types of citrus (grapefruit, tangerines, etc.), kedondong, papaya, rambutan, strawberry, and kiwi. Vitamin C prevents oxidized LDL bad cholesterol, so avoid the formation of plaque in blood vessel walls.
Labels: Anti-cholesterol foods, foods health, healthy tips, lose weight
Posted by nury at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
10 Tips for your healthy busy.
When you include people who do not have much time but want to stay healthy, you do not need to spend some special time for exercise. Here are 10 tips to stay healthy:
1. Many Do not Moves Lazy!
Up and down stairs is a healthier choice than using the elevator or escalator. Or, instead of telling other people, cut the grass in the yard. Move the limbs do not have to go to the gym.
2. Reduce Fat.
Avoid eating high fat foods such as fries, burgers and the like (such as ham, salami, ribs). If you want to consume cheese, milk and cream, low fat pilihlahh that. Beans, meat sandwiches, mayonis, butter, margarine and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts.
3. Stop Smoking.
In a cigarette there are more than 4000 substances that harm the body. In addition to smoke also makes your teeth yellow, smelling body and your face looks dull.
4. Reduce Stress.
One recommended by experts to reduce stress is to think positive. Try these tips: spend 30 minutes a day to do something you like. Could talk with friends, listening to music, watching movies or reading books. Or go to the salon to luluran, facial or creambath.
5. Protect Yourself and pollution.
Although difficult to do in Jakarta, try to avoid a room full of cigarette smoke, traffic jam and exercising near busy roads. Instead of a walk to the mall, better gardening in the front yard.
6. Always use seat belts.
Statistics show seat belts add to long life and prevent additional injuries during the accident. Let's fasten your seatbelts.
7. Clean the teeth with Dental Floss.
A recent study found a close connection between long life and dental floss, although the cause is unknown. Perhaps it is caused by people who clean the teeth with dental floss tend to be more aware of the meaning of health than those who did not.
8. Avoid Excessive Alcoholic Beverages.
Research shows that a glass of wine a day (two drinks for men) can prevent heart attacks. More than that can cause liver disease, kidney disease and cancer.
9. Keep Mentally Positive.
Get used to smiling. There was a positive relationship between health and appearance are always cheerful.
10. Determine Your Own Destiny.
The relationship between genetics and health very closely. Not only because one of your parents or even both died at a young age because of illness such as diabetes. You also will meet the fate. Your lifestyle determines more of your health status
Source: from various sources.
Labels: 10 Tips for your healthy busy, healthy tips, Reduce Fat, Reduce Stress
Posted by nury at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
7 healthy lifestyle
To be healthy, people need two things: the government is wise and orderly pattern of healthy living. To understand patterns of healthy life, people do not have to be a doctor. Healthy insights gained from reading, listening and watching the health description. Here are some of them.
People like to say, "I am not afraid of pain because I have money to menyembuhkanya". The mind is not completely true. Strategy wise it really is not. Then what?
Not all healing can be bought with money, but not all diseases can be healed without leaving a disability or weakness. Our attitude toward the threat of disease, arifnya berikthiar not to fall ill and it is still possible to do.
There is a story of a miliader'd give half his treasure to restore his heart condition who was already sick. Unfortunately, the entire property were unable to repair his heart disease because it is damaged, no amount of money could not recover. From there we learn that the necessary investment to health, not just cost.
The disease itself there are two groups. Which can be prevented and sebetuknya not have happened, and the diseases that must be accepted only (gene disorders, congenital defects), but can be tamed. A person's body can handle both at once.
However, too large seberap threat of disease, from knowing how the disease should not undermine the economic, physical, and spiritual. Ideals that, it is not impossible we could achieve.
All diseases can be prevented really do not need to happen if we want berikthiar. However, half lebuh emerging diseases everyday is actually kind of unnecessary. Just because we do not understand the tricks, including understanding nutrisim prevent infection, and allow environmental damage to the body, which do not have to happen that turned out to undermine us.
One ikthiar it is obedience to run sikpa healthy lifestyle. The most popular healthy tips done by taking seven personal habits (nadra B. Bellock and Lester Breslow): (1) personal hygiene (2) getting enough sleep; (3) adequate food; (4) do not forget breakfast; (5) maintain weight ideal; (6) exercising regularly; (7) stay away from cigarettes.
1. Personal Hygiene
Even in developed countries was about the correct hand washing is still necessary rearranged. Why? Because of that hand washing is not really produced many potential health problems. Without washing hands properly, we become ill who did not have to happen.
Not enough merely touched the water, washed his hands of the right to soap. Most of us, instead of washing his hands in a healthy, often touching confectionary or sat at the table before the hand perfectly washed.
If no clean hands, stomach diseases (faecal-oral) appears. SARS cases, including endangered, bird flu, influenza (could be derived daari fingers touching the elevator buttons, door handles, phone, furniture in public places, money, shaking hands). The fingers need to be made of the possibility of contaminated steil like that.
Germs and viruses from everywhere generally comes from outside enter the body through food, minuma, nostril (nose), biting fingers, no spoon feeding, or food and drink alone (food court, restaurants, shops rice) was contaminated with germs from early due to manufacturer or unhygienic penyajinya (average derived from a hawker food-drink raw or hot).
Seedling diseases can also come from clothing, shoes, slippers, hair, after traveling out of the house. Especially if just returned from public places, markets, hospitals, malls, public transportation. It is important for cleaning up every time out traveling. Outer clothing swap and do not take him to the bedroom.
Familiarize emergency travel home and sepat sandals left outside the room, if necessary, immediately flush the hair (if you do not want to wash my hair) because the parts that all the germs from the air, the floor, probably already attached.
Need to wash hands to the arms, and the skin surface in contact with anything for the outdoors, and wash the face, including nostril cleaning with soapy water. In parts it possible for the germs outside the home is attached.
That way it attacks any kind of flu and the threat of all respiratory diseases and digestive tract can be defeated. The cost of flu or diarrhea cure is not how, but our daily activities become interrupted. Itupun if not up to the pulmonary complications-ray, sinusitis, congek or dehydration, so must go to the hospital. There was no mercy when the SARS and bird flu attack.
2. Enough sleep
The need to sleep an average of about 7-8 hours. Even the mere quantity, more quality sleep after. Disturbed sleep or no sleep is part penyakut emergency number. Can cause physical illness, more often because of mental illness. However, due to work activities or serve on entertainment and self-satisfaction (stay up watching TV), people tend to be lack of sleep.
Sleep important part of the body to restore energy, in addition to replacing worn parts or damaged. Not just a good night, now revealed kalauorang also need a nap, recent studies reveal that. In addition to fit, make a long nap age also. Apart from the disease, unhealthy sleep well when bedding and pillows did not meet the health standaar. Disturbance back, neck, thus waking up bugarm not be because of the mattress or pillow to sleep that was not eligible.
To obtain a healthy sleep, get used to the scheduled hours of sleep. Our bodies can be set for all the daily schedule, so that the machine working order, including the schedule of waking up, meals, respite, and sexual activity as well.
3. Eat three meals a day
Our health is determined by what we eat, too. Not only the frequency, the adequacy of the body all the nutrients will be fulfilled erlu portion. The more varied daily menu, the more adequate nutrient adequacy. The body needs about 40 of the jebis nutrients. Some are essential or could not be provided by the body, but must come from food.
We need to eat three times a day. However, if our daily diet and back-it's only just longer (monodiet), the adequacy of the body all the nutrients are not met.
Not all portions of each have the right nutrients, the quality of the menu also determine whether or not fulfilled our body nutrition. When classified waste daily menu (junk food, fast food menu), and consumption goes on, long-body will kelaman malnutrition. Symptoms of modern people undernourished happening now, It's the food supplement products healthy-growing flood minman offered. If we do not mistakenly select the menu.
In addition to cigarette smoke, the wrong menu could be the biggest cause of cancer. The menu is wise proportional to each nutrient the body needs, from fresh ingredients that option., No preservatives, flavorings, colorings, artificial sweeteners (dangerous), and not consumed in excess.
So do not just enough to meet all the nutritional value when the menu contains hazardous substances. Whatever vegetables we consume are not contaminated with pesticides sprayed, so people should choose organic crops are free of pesticides. Is dikulit fruit we left gerogot no chemical preservatives. What color substances, flavorings, and pengawetnya not dangerous, and the measures to be allowed?
In addition to our paakah processed correctly? What we like to eat pickles, salted fish, white rice (SOSOH), water containing high nitrate, or oncom, nuts, mushrooms contaminated with aflatoxin maker?
Danger kaerna luxurious menu contains high fat, flour and sugar excessive, wasteful of salt, but low in carbohydrates and less fiber, in addition to the dangers of spices, flavorings, preservatives, and dyes and other harmful chemicals.
Luxurious menu menu also comes from processed, artificial plant look more attractive, tasty, but bad temper for health. Menu fast food restaurants, tend to become fat as a source of calories.
Over half of the portion of calories provided by fat in the daily menu of modern man. In fact, the soundness of the greatest number of calories derived from carbohydrates (rice, cassava, maize, cassava). In addition, restaurant menus and menu of luxury goods generally tend not fresh. In addition to processed too long, long raw materials stored, preserved, and damaged by the heating process for cooking.
Until old age the body's protein needs terys. Animal protein and vegetable protein. Therefore animal protein comes from red meat (beef, lamb, pork) much fat, protein, obtained from healthy fish (chicken, rabbit, turkey belonging to the white meat). Marine fish is better than fresh fish, because in addition to protein, fish oil omega-3 and omega-6 from the deep ocean (deep sea) quality as well as antikolesterol.
Luxury menu of meat tend to choose the more expensive imports, although not as more healthful fat. Within a day, a luxury menu contains an average sperlima chicken or meat cut setera, and it was not healthy.
Modern sugar consumption tends to increase, on average 25 kg / capita / year. The Americans, Australians, and Cuba even reached 60 kg / capita / year. Excessive sugar consumption is certainly not healthy because it makes overweight (obesity), aggravate diabetes and other metabolic diseases classified as "diseases of civilization", namely heart disease, cancer, intestinal disorder diverticulitis, or stomach cancer.
Besides too sweet, too extravagant fancy menus kitchen salt. The average salt consumption of our menu sepupuh times the body needs. Could be that's why cases of hypertension increased among devotees lavish menu, in addition to diabetes tails too. We know that obesity triggers diabetes, in addition to the rise payudaram prostate cancer, or colon.
Why? Because luxury menu (which the average high processed refined diet) will change the flora (bacteria residents) gut, and damage the digestive substances, which turned into a trigger cancer (carcinogenic). The same thing happens when we are often constipated.
If feces is more so in the intestine, colon bacteria the opportunity to change the substance there be karsiogenik. Lack of fiber (fiber) in the daily diet of modern man to make the average person to be high rates of constipation and gut cancer.
High-fat menu also changes the composition of intestinal bacteria, which turned into the substance of the triggers karsiogenik colon cancer. High-fat menu also changes the balance of sex hormones in the body, so that the body more sensitive to spark breast cancer.
We know, modern daily menus tend to use a mixture of chemicals such as formaldehyde, aspartame, saccharin, aspartame, artificial flavorings, other than dye (textiles rhodamin B), a bad effect on health. The effect may not be immediately obvious, but the carcinogenic nature kumlatif after a few tens of years of consumption.
Our health is determined by the contents of the family dinner table, but by habit snack or choose a restaurant menu. Case of civilization diseases doubled chin (double chin), because of the restaurant menu is more hooked than the home menu, the more indeed simple and natural a menu should be chosen for the healthy.
4. Breakfast like a prince menu
Yes. Breakfast should be more complete than just filling the stomach belakan. Why? The body needs nutrients in order to complete the work machine body was weak all day. Lack of protein, minerals, and essential nutrients that the body needs from breakfast, had been replaced by lunch and dinner if breakfast improvise.
For your body shape, it needs a full breakfast and adequate (balanced diet). Daily performance will be lower if not for breakfast or just a rudimentary breakfast, including children in school achievement.
5. Maintaining ideal weight
Weight loss always maintained that ideal. Parameter excess or shortage of food seen ups and downs of weight loss. To find your ideal weight can be calculated by Body Mass Index formula. BMI = weight (kg) divided by height (M). The index ranges from 22-25. More than 25 considered overweight and less than 20 votes skinny.
Someone will get fat when excess calories. Excess calories does not necessarily have sufficient nutrients when the menu is not considered a balanced diet. Obese but malnourished often now. It's called that most of the menu calories derived from fat plush (fried foods, lard, coconut milk), whereas the traditional menu from excess eating rice (sweet, ketelah, corn, sago).
6. Exercising regularly
No need to exercise special, just move the body. Walking is still considered the best. It's not easy to walk, but scrambled (Brisk walking), with a rate of 100 meters / min or 6 km / h, for 4-50 minutes, 5-6 times a week. Or if the menu aerobiknya calculated values, measured from the pulse. Judged sufficient if achieved value of 6-80 percent (220-age), with due regard to the condition, and the presence or absence of disease (heart, diabetes).
Sports and moving the body does not heal the blood vessels that had already corroded fat (ateroklerosis), candidate pipeline blockage of coronary arteries or the brain. Corrosion process of fat that's been going on since an early age, decades when the blood fat (lipid profile) in the high let (cholesterol).
7. No smoking
Classified as carcinogenic smoke strong. Modern people get cancer risk from cigarette smoke and fancy menus. There is no way to reduce the risk of cancer from smoking than to quit smoking. Not even choosing cigarettes with mild type.
Create a heart, go smoke damage the cardiovascular, hypertension high adders, and effects only taste good fresh (brain stimulation). Smoking is one risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.
Passive smokers as heavy, if not heavier than current smokers. Need to set up a special room to smoke in any public places. We also contaminated thousands of substances and gases in the air. Smoke and coal soot when stuffed with a mixture of sulfur, car fumes, gases CO, tumah black (lead), in addition to ozone, and acid rain (sulfur contamination effect).
So, when obedience to live a healthy lifestyle is high since his youth, and now it's not too late to start, both diseases that do not have to happen or if exposed to bringing talent and penyakut metabolic degeratif, do not need to happen to us. Thanks to diabetes and high blood might not have appeared. Similarly, if talented uric acid.
With patterned lifelong healthy living, there is a bonus awarded a longer life for our lives. Not only did not die prematurely and can achieve a longer life, but also as the ideals of people in developed countries today, but also long-lived stay healthy (healthy aging).
Source: From various sources.
Labels: healthy lifestyle, healthy tips, lose weight
Posted by nury at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
15 Step Weight Loss

1. "I must be!" Instill three words in your self as a first step. Although facing many temptations come, provided you always remember that you should be able to lose weight then you have to be on the right track. Make people who have lost weight as your motivator for menundukan temptations that come.
2. Breakfast is a must do. Do not ever leave the house in the morning without touching anything to eat this food because it will give you enough energy for all day activities. No need for breakfast foods that are heavy weight, enough bananas, yogurt, cereal, bread etc. for snacks that contain plenty of fiber and protein will give you a sense of full until lunch time.
3. Take a moment to read the nutritional content in food packaging. To note here is the calories for this substance is very role in increasing your weight when consumed in excess. Customize your energy needs / your calories in a day with a note that stated in the container.
4. Do not do diet. For the short term it would diet you lose weight, but if you stop the diet your weight will increase again. Eating strange foods to your diet odd or reduce some types of food will not make your weight down. The important thing to do is choose a balanced diet according to nutritional value your body needs calories eaten that will be utilized optimally.
5. Always eat regularly. A unique body will decrease metabolism when he was hungry, this is certainly not good for weight-loss process. To avoid these two make a daily diet and routine you can do every day. Make sure your eating schedule is at least 3 times a day.
6. Expand fiber consumption. Fiber is very important to keep the body healthy. Fibers that we eat day to day functions to help lower cholesterol and facilitate the emptying of the digestive tract. Fiber can also accelerate satiety thus naturally reducing portion sizes that are not useful. Most of the fibers have a high water content and low calorie foods that fit with what we need to lose weight.
7. Healthy food has always been the main choice. Choose foods that contain less saturated fat. Expand the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Choose a vegetable oil as a source of fat because they contain unsaturated fats in the high portion. Eating foods that contain lots of Omega 3 as fish.
8. Sports. Customize your sport you choose with your body condition. One sports a healthy, inexpensive and can be done by everyone is on foot. Walk at least 5 miles a day. Try always to increase the distance you walk. Remember, exercise not only your weight but also makes your body more healthy.
9. Dispose of snacking habits at night. Snacking at night will destroy your efforts to lose weight because the calories you eat after dinner will be buried in the body. Brushing your teeth after dinner helped you to reduce the desire to snack.
10. Expand protein consumption. Eat foods that contain large amounts of protein will make your belly full in a few hours, thereby reducing your need for food containing high calories.
11. Discard bad habits that make your weight increase and replace them with healthier habits. For example replace the sugar you use to make coffee with low-calorie sugar, avoid eating fried foods and more.
12. Make the people around you as a motivator. They will help you to give encouragement when someday you experience boredom with weight-loss program you are doing.
13. Write down any developments that happen to you as long as you follow a weight-loss program. If you need to compare your achievements to the achievement of your friends who do similar programs. This is both a motivator in achieving your goal to lose weight.
14. Drink enough. Some nutritionists say that drinking enough then you will avoid excessive eating. It is advisable to drink water 6 to 8 glasses a day.
15. Do you want to lose weight and make the body healthy? For that, never turn away from your real goal is to lose weight. Remember always to motivate myself so that the goals you want to be reached.
Labels: lose weight, reduce calories, tips diet
Posted by nury at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
How to Easily Reduce Calories
How easy way to lose weight without we realize? Real easy. Change your diet just another food or eating food remains the same, just a way to cultivate a different course.
Never in a show on Oprah's show the experiences of people lose weight. One of them by reducing the calories in common foods diasup. For example, if you're used to eating beef burgers as much as two servings, replace it with one serving containing vegetable burgers. That way you are reducing your calorie intake from beef.
Besides this way, there are 10 simple ways to reduce calorie intake from dietary foods daily, as quoted by Good Health \x26 Medicines.
1. Change omelet, scrambled, or the eyes of a cow with a boiled egg.
"Eggs helps the body feel full and keep you from feeling full longer within. There is evidence, eat protein with a small amount of carbohydrate such as a piece of toast will help the body's cells begin to use fat for the day, "said Jane Barnes, nutrition and diet consultant. Research shows that proteins (and protein-rich egg) can also be maintain blood sugar levels and helps prevent you really cherished food cravings.
How many calories are reduced? Boiled eggs contain 290 kJ of energy, or about 69.6 calories, egg 400 kJ or 96 calories, scrambled egg creams without the addition of 520 kJ or 124.8 calories. For extra taste, do not forget to add a little fresh pepper.
2. Change such as salad dressing or mayonnaise, thousand island with olive oil.
When you use quality materials balk taste like extra-virgin olive oil, you tend to eat less, says nutritionist Dr. Rosemary Stanton. Many people do tend to take excessive salad dressing.
Do not eat salad without oil. "A little oil will help you absorb nutrients from the vegetables on a salad," he said.
Problem cider vinegar, according to Barnes, "Just a myth that some say could dissolve fat. Vinegars apples lower blood sugar levels, which means you are less likely to overload the system."
How many calories are reduced? One tablespoon of commercial dressings contain 500 kJ or 120 calories, while a little olive oil with balsamic vinegar around 200 kJ or 48 Cal. To add flavor, add garlic, Cabal, or herb.
3. Replace Muffin with beans
"In the 16 study respondents were given nuts, none of them are gaining weight," said Dr. Stanton. Nuts can satisfy their hunger, so you tend to eat something less. Barnes added, "A small amount of nuts can help the body use fat. In addition, nuts contain good fats." Muffins are sold in stores are usually high-calorie bread because "wrapped" sugar and fat that does not balk.
How many calories can be reduced? Ten grains of walnuts contain 380 calories or 95 kJ. Compare with a muffin containing 1500 kJ or 360 calories!
Even so, Barnes recommends that you do not eat too many beans. Just a little portion and put in your bag lunch at.
4. Replace cheddar with fetta cheese
Fetta contain less fat than cheddar cheese and other hard cheeses. However, as Barnes explains, "The cheese can be an effective way to lose weight because they contain calcium and good source of protein. Recent research shows that these two nutrients are important to allow the use of fat. No matter how low intake of calories, if you do not enough protein and calcium in the cell, you can not spend the excess fat.
How many calories are reduced? A total of 30 g of cheddar cheese contains 500 kJ (120 calories), while fetta only 300 kJ (72 calories).
5. Replace butter with low-fat margarine
"You'll get fat better balanced, choosing to increase the monounsaturated fat and more healthful double than saturated fats in butter," Barnes said. You'll save quite a lot of calories and learn to appreciate less fat.
How many calories are reduced? A total of 10 g of butter contains 300 kJ (72 calories), whereas light margarine only about 175 kJ (42 calories). You could try sunflower margarine or canola oil which provides essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6.
6. Replace sugar with cinnamon
"Cinnamon contains capsinoid, which is also found in chili peppers and chili, and is expected to help stimulate the body's metabolic rate," says Barnes. U.S. researchers have also found that cinnamon can help control blood sugar levels in those affected by diabetes type 2.
How many calories are reduced? A teaspoon of sugar contains 85 kJ (20.4 calories), while the cinnamon 40 kJ (9.6 calories). Cinnamon can be sprinkled on boiled fruit or porridge.
7 Replace full-fat milk with low fat milk
"Not only can reduce calories, you also can increase calcium intake," said Barnes. Usually on low-fat milk add a little skim milk which will improve the flavor.
How many calories are reduced? A total of 250 ml full fat milk has 690 calories or approximately kJ (165.6 calories), while 450 kJ of skim milk (108 calories).
8. Replace cereal or corn chips with a low-fiber high-fiber
"The more fiber they contain, the longer the stay in the full sense of the body," Dr. Stanton. A U.S. study showed, those who ate cereal with a higher fiber consuming less than the low-fiber breakfast mengasup.
How many calories are reduced? One cup of cornflakes with milk for 730 calories contributed kJ (175.2 calories), whereas corn chips with low-fat milk 590 kJ (141.6 calories). You can add a banana to increase the fiber in cereal.
9. Replace the pasta with the soup.
There is research from Penn State University who says that the liquid appetizers like vegetable soup will make you feel full. As a result, you will consume fewer calories in whole foods.
How many calories are reduced? A serving of spaghetti bolognese 2720 kJ (652.8 calories), while one cup minestrone about 1045 kJ (250.8 calories).
Easier for you to eat vegetable soup, made large daiam on weekends, then freeze in individual servings. So so hungry, you can warm up the soup. More healthy, right?
10. Replace full-fat yogurt with yogurt without a sense of low-fat plus fresh fruit.
Some yogurt contains probiotics which helps absorption of calcium and probiotics are also good for intestinal health. Unfortunately, full-fat yogurt will add extra calories. That is why low-fat yogurt can be chosen. To add flavor, can be included fresh fruit.
How many calories are reduced? Full-fat yogurt with a weight of 200 g containing 1.000 kJ (240 calories). Compare with yogurt without a sense of low-fat with the addition of 5 grains of strawberries has only 560 kJ (134.4 calories).
Not too difficult to reduce calories, right?
Labels: lose weight, reduce calories, tips diet
Posted by nury at 9:58 AM 0 comments